Yearly Archives: 2023
Does Australia’s productivity growth slowdown represent an inflation risk?
The Australian Economy | 14th December 2023One of the many interesting things you can do with the information provided in the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Labour Account, the most recent of which (for the September quarter) was published last Friday, is derive what I call ‘dollar-based’ estimates of labour productivity – not only for the economy as a whole, but for […]
The Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO)
Economic Policies, News, The Australian Economy | 13th December 2023Interview with Melbourne Radio station 3AW’s Heidi Murphy about the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) presented by Treasurer Jim Chalmers on Wednesday 13th December Economist provides rundown on the budget update and the ‘surprising’ passport increase (
Tasmanian Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) Scores
Education, Tasmania, The Stream | 6th December 2023The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), as it’s called, assesses how well 15-year-olds are prepared to use their knowledge and skills in particular areas to meet “real-world challenges and opportunities”. It measures three core domains of reading literacy, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy. Students completeEvery three years, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development […]
September quarter national accounts and their implications for the Reserve Bank of Australia’s monetary policy
Economic Policies, Economic Video, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 6th December 2023Saul spoke with Ausbiz ‘s Danielle Ecuyer about today’s September quarter national accounts and their implications for the Reserve Bank of Australia’s monetary policy settings
Danielle Wood must help undo GST deal
News, Taxation, The Australian Economy | 30th November 2023The Australian Financial Review has published an op-ed from me on the changes to the arrangements for distributing the revenue from the GST among the states and territories imposed by the Morrison Government in 2018 (with the support of the then Labor Opposition) – something which I regard as one of the worst public policy […]
Saul Eslake with 4BC’s Bill McDonald: October inflation figures
News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 29th November 2023Saul spoke with Brisbane Radio 4BC’s Bill McDonald about today’s October inflation figures and what they mean for interest rates.
Good news and not-so-good news from the latest inflation data
The Australian Economy | 29th November 2023There’s good news and not-so-good news in the monthly CPI Indicator for October released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics this (Wednesday) morning. The good news is that consumer prices (or at least, the prices of the roughly two-thirds of the items in the more comprehensive quarterly CPI that are included in this monthly measure) […]
The appointment of Andrew Hauser as the new Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 27th November 2023Saul spoke with Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) Australia World News’ Ricardo Gonçalves about today’s announcement of the appointment of Andrew Hauser, currently Head of the Bank of England’s Markets Division, as the new Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia.