TV, Radio and Print Media
The Hobart Mercury’s take on ‘Choices and Consequences’
News, Publications, Tasmania | 22nd November 2020Article by David Killick and Blair Richards in the Hobart Mercury on Sunday 22nd November 2020 about my report on replacements for the Spirits of Tasmania ferries
Saul talks to Tasmania Talks’ Aaron Stevens about the 2020-21 Tasmanian Budget
News, Tasmania | 13th November 2020Saul talks to Tasmania Talks’ Aaron Stevens about the 2020-21 Tasmanian Budget Interview recorded on 13th November 2020
‘Worse than Russia’: Victoria urged to wind back COVID-19 fines
News | 22nd October 2020Saul speaks to the Australian Financial Review, 22nd October 2020
Impact of negative net immigration
News, Topics | 22nd October 2020Saul talks to the London Financial Times about the effects of the collapse in immigration to Australia forecast in the recent 2020-21 Budget
Saul talks to Alan Kohler about the virus and the budget
News | 21st October 2020Interview with Alan Kohler, Talking Finance, 21st October 2020 Saul talks to Alan Kohler about the economic impact of the latest surge in Covid-19 cases in Europe, and the likely responses of Australian businesses and households to the incentives in October’s 2020-21 Federal Budget.
VIC Lockdown Fines Outdo Other States
Australian Society and Politics, News, Topics | 11th October 2020Interview with Sky News Australia, 10th October 2020 Victorians payed $2.2m more in COVID fines than rest of Australia combined during first lockdown Economist Saul Eslake has discovered Victorians during the first lockdown payed almost $6 million in fines for allegedly breaching COVID restrictions, $2.2 million more than the rest of the country combined. “Let […]
Economist Saul Eslake details what the significant deficit means for our nation
Economic Policies, News, Tasmania, The Australian Economy | 7th October 2020Post Budget2020 interview with Tasmanian Talks‘ Aaron Stevens, 6th October 2020 BUDGET 2020: A Tasmania Talks deep dive
Budget 2020: A recalibration of fiscal strategy
Economic Policies, News, The Australian Economy | 7th October 2020Interview with Alan Kohler, Talking Finance, 7th October 2020 It’s all about the federal budget this week as Alan Kohler is joined by Independent Economist, Saul Eslake who questions whether the targeting of money will boost economic activity while suggesting households should have been offered vouchers to spend in order to stimulate the economy.