TV, Radio and Print Media
A (very brief) radio piece on ‘Modern Monetary Theory’
Economic Policies, News | 27th July 2020Interview with ABC Radio National’s Senior Business Correspondent Sheryle Bagwell about ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ on Monday 21st July.
Saul Eslake talks with Elysse Morgan about the pathway to recovery from the Covid-induced recession
News, The Australian Economy | 21st July 2020Saul Eslake talks with Elysse Morgan, host of ABC-TV’s “The Business”, about the pathway to recovery from the Covid-induced recession. 8th June 2020
Global Poverty at the Crossroads
News, The Global Economy | 21st July 2020A review of ‘The Parlous State of Poverty Education’, a report to the UN Human Rights Council by the Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Australian-born lawyer Philip Alston. This was first published on Inside Story on 21st July 2020.
Discussion of the First Report of the (Tasmanian) Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council
News, Tasmania | 21st July 2020Saul Eslake talks with Aaron Stevens from Tasmania Talks about the First Report of the (Tasmanian) Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council, 21st July 2020.
Is this a Depression?
News, The Australian Economy | 16th July 2020Feature article in the Launceston Examiner, 16th July 2020
Preferential tax breaks for small business don’t work
News, Taxation | 25th June 2020The Australian, 24th June 2020
Review of the Parliamentary Budget Office’s latest medium-term budget projections
Economic Policies, News, Publications | 6th September 2018Commentary published by The Conversation website on 6th September 2018
The Australian Government’s ‘backflip’ on raising the pension age to 70
Economic Policies, News, Publications | 5th September 2018Commentary published by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on 5th September