TV, Radio and Print Media
Is this a Depression?
News, The Australian Economy | 16th July 2020Feature article in the Launceston Examiner, 16th July 2020
Preferential tax breaks for small business don’t work
News, Taxation | 25th June 2020The Australian, 24th June 2020
Review of the Parliamentary Budget Office’s latest medium-term budget projections
Economic Policies, News, Publications | 6th September 2018Commentary published by The Conversation website on 6th September 2018
The Australian Government’s ‘backflip’ on raising the pension age to 70
Economic Policies, News, Publications | 5th September 2018Commentary published by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on 5th September
The Outlook: for the Economy
News, The Australian Economy | 15th August 2018Greg Dyett | SBS World News Radio | 15th Auguest 2018 Interview with SBS World News Radio’s Greg Dyett, published on Wednesday 15th August 2018 (also including ACOSS’ Cassandra Goldie and RBA Governor Phillip Lowe)
Economist Saul Eslake looks ahead to the budget
Economic Policies, News | 26th April 2018Kumi Taguchi | ABC-TV’s 7:30 | 26th April 2018 Saul discusses the Government’s decision to dump its proposed increase in the Medicare Levy (to fund additional spending on the National Disability Insurance Scheme) and provide for income tax cuts in the forthcoming 2018-19 federal Budget With the Government announcing its plan to scrap a proposed […]
Learning to make the most of life
Education, News, Publications | 17th April 2018Saul Eslake | Chatter Matters | 17th April 2018 Op-ed article written for Chatter Matters, a public dialogue about communication, literacy,enablement, collaboration, and relational trust, curated by Rosalie Martin. This article was published in the Hobart Mercury newspaper on 17 th April 2018.