

‘Welcome to my website …
I’m an independent economist, consultant, speaker,
and Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Tasmania’

Economic Policies

The Nobel Prize winning economist James Tobin once said that the study of economics “offered the hope, as it still does, that improved understanding could better the lot of mankind”. One of the ways in which it does this is through the implementation of economic policy that helps to ameliorate boom-and-bust cycles, reduces unemployment, contains inflation or lifts people’s living standards in sustainable ways.

The “corrupt bargain” imposed by the Morrison Government

Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 28th September 2021

Saul talks to Tasmania Talks’ Mike O’Loughlin about Tasmania’s Treasury’s findings regarding the “corrupt bargain” imposed by the Morrison Government regarding the distribution of GST revenue among the states and territories, 28th September 2021

Old wine in new bottles: more ‘rent-seeking’ from South Australian manufacturing interests

Economic Policies, Publications, The Australian Economy | 17th September 2021

There’s a new lobby group pleading for preferential treatment for manufacturing in the name of ensuring ‘sovereignty’, a word of which the present Federal Government is especially fond. But it boils down to the same old rent-seeking that has been a feature of Australian manufacturing policy for most of the past 120 years. (Full text […]

The ‘corrupt bargain’ underpinning WA’s budget surpluses

Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Taxation | 16th September 2021

Article published in the Australian Financial Review on 16th September 2021, examining the way in which Western Australia’s budget surpluses are being bolstered at the expense of the rest of Australia by the ‘corrupt bargain’ over shares of revenue from the GST imposed by the Morrison Government three years ago

Housing Grants: more harm than good

Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Housing, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 15th September 2021

Saul talks to Tasmania Talks’ Mike O’loughlin on 14th September, 2021 about housing affordability crisis 

Housing affordability crisis with Brooke Corte

Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Housing, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 14th September 2021

Saul talks to 2GB‘s Money News‘ Brooke Corte about housing affordabilty crisis

This is a recession – we’re just not calling it one

Economic Policies, Publications, The Australian Economy | 9th September 2021

Op-ed published in the Australian Financial Review of 9th August 2021 –  arguing (1) that we are in a recession now, irrespective of whether we have two consecutive quarterly contractions in real GDP, and (2) that although it shares some of the ‘responsibility’ for this second recession, the federal government’s fiscal policy response to it […]

Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue inquiry into Housing Affordability and Supply in Australia

Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Housing | 31st August 2021

My submission to a House of Representatives Committee inquiry into housing affordability and home ownership, which recapitulates things I’ve been writing and saying about housing affordability and home ownership for the best part of four decades – without ever having really made any difference to the housing policies which governments at all levels and of […]

Tasmania’s 2021-22 State Budget

Economic Policies, Tasmania | 26th August 2021

The 2021-22 Tasmanian State Budget is an uncharacteristically big-spending affair, with some $2½ billion in new spending over the next four years funded by ‘windfall gains’ from Tasmania’s share of GST revenue, and buoyant stamp duty collections, together with $500-$600 million more borrowing than had been previously envisaged – although because last year’s deficit was […]


Speaking Engagement | Boardroom Advisory | Commissioned Report | Expert Witness

Saul Eslake spoke to Zurich Australia executives and staff at their ‘Accelerate’ conference in Sydney on 9th May 2024, covering short- and longer-term trends in major ‘advanced’ economies, China, India and Australia, with a bit of geo-politics thrown in.

“You are the best economic thinker in the country hands down”

Sheryle Bagwell, recently retired Senior Business Correspondent (and sometime Executive Producer),
ABC Radio National Breakfast

“Just want to congratulate you Saul on the unbelievably good set of slides you just presented, possibly the best I have ever seen. You have set the bar very high.”

Dr Joe Flood, Adjunct Fellow, RMIT University, Pandemicia

“Thank you very much for your excellent presentation for the Economic Society today. It is always a great pleasure to hear your eloquent, up-to-date and comprehensive talks.”

Andrew Trembath, economist, Victorian and Australian Government agencies

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Most Recent Articles, Talks and Presentations

All about inflation
Economic Policies, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy
31st August 2024

Inflation and the prospects for cuts in Australian interest rates
News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy
30th August 2024

A podcast about the Independent Review of Tasmania’s State Finances
Economic Policies, News, Tasmania
29th August 2024

‘Price-gouging’ and ‘profiteering’ haven’t been major contributors to Australian inflation
Economic Policies, News, The Australian Economy
26th August 2024

A ‘security blanket’ for Australian manufacturing
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, News, Security, The Australian Economy
26th August 2024

Media Interview: Independent Review of Tasmania’s State Finances with Steve Cannane
News, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania
20th August 2024

Media Interview: Independent Review of Tasmania’s State Finances with Leon Compton
News, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania
19th August 2024

Independent Review of Tasmania’s State Finances
19th August 2024

Australian Financial Review magazine feature on ‘The Worst (Australian) Public Policy Decision of the 21st Century Thus Far’
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, News, The Australian Economy
24th July 2024

Have we passed ‘peak China’? (and might a big fall in the RMB be on the horizon?)
Asian Economies, The Global Economy
11th July 2024

‘The Big Picture’
Asian Economies, Economic Policies, Economic Video, The Australian Economy, The Global Economy
22nd June 2024

ATO’s Latest Taxation Statistics – June 2024
News, Recent Media Interview, Taxation
20th June 2024

Other central banks are cutting rates, why isnt the RBA?
Economic Policies, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy
13th June 2024

Interest Rate and Inflation – Where to now?
Economic Policies, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy
8th June 2024


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What Others Say

“We are lucky as a State to have an economist of your calibre willing to readily make yourself available to give us a clear perception of where we are at and the direction we need to go for a better future”
Diplomatic Representative, August 2024

“You are one of the best at what you do in the world”
Gail Fosler, Chief Economist, The Conference Board, New York, December 2002

“I have never known an economist to have such a knowledge of world economic facts and to be able to bring to bear so much information in answering a question without notice”
Charles Goode, Chairman, ANZ Bank, July 2009

“Saul Eslake is … a highly regarded independent economist with the highest degree of integrity"
John Durie, Columnist, The Australian, July 2009

“… one of the few people in this world who can have so many oranges up in the air at the same time but still manage to catch them"
Andrew Clark, journalist, Australian Financial Review, November 2008

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