Recent Media Interview
Solutions to Australia’s Housing Crisis
Australian Society and Politics, Housing, News, Recent Media Interview | 11th September 2024Saul Eslake spoke to ABC Radio Brisbane’s Afternoons presenter Kate Feeney about solutions to Australia’s housing crisis on 10th September 2024
All about inflation
Economic Policies, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 31st August 2024Saul Eslake: Australia’s recent inflation experience, what caused it, and how the Government and the Reserve Bank are responding to it
Inflation and the prospects for cuts in Australian interest rates
News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 30th August 2024Saul Eslake talks to Turkish TV station TRT World about Australia’s experience in combatting inflation and the prospects for cuts in Australian interest rates – not this year.
Media Interview: Independent Review of Tasmania’s State Finances with Steve Cannane
News, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 20th August 2024Saul Eslake talks to ABC Radio National Breakfast’s Steve Cannade about the Independent Review of Tasmania’s State Finances which was released on 19th Aug 2024.
Media Interview: Independent Review of Tasmania’s State Finances with Leon Compton
News, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 19th August 2024Saul Eslake talks to ABC Mornings’ Leon Compton about the Independent Review of Tasmania’s State Finances which was released on 19th Aug 2024.
ATO’s Latest Taxation Statistics – June 2024
News, Recent Media Interview, Taxation | 20th June 2024Saul Eslake spoke with ABC Radio Hobart’s ‘Breakfast’ presenter Ryk Goddard about some of the findings from the ATO’s latest “Taxation Statistics” publication, including the number of taxpayers with incomes of more than $1 million, the number with incomes of less than $45,000, and the number who are negatively-geared property investors.
Other central banks are cutting rates, why isnt the RBA?
Economic Policies, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 13th June 2024Saul spoke with ABC Radio Sydney’s “Mornings” Presenter Hamish MacDonald about why the Reserve Bank is unlikely to follow the Bank of Canada or the European Central Bank in cutting interest rates any time soon, and also about the possible consequences of Australia ‘walking away’ from the emissions reduction targets to which it committed under the Paris Climate Accords.
Interest Rate and Inflation – Where to now?
Economic Policies, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 8th June 2024Saul Eslake’s podcast of a wide-ranging discussion about inflation, interest rates and other economic topics with Ben Law, the “Financial Bloke” and host of The Agri Coach “Wealth and Wisdom podcast”. This discussion was published on 8th June but recorded on 11th April – so it predates the most recent Federal Budget, the latest unemployment figures from Australia and the US (both of which now have a 4 handle on them, and the interest rate cuts from the Bank of Canada and the European Central Bank in the first week of June.