Are skyrocketing house prices a wellness issue?
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Housing, News, Recent Media Interview | 7th August 2021Saul talks to ABC Radio National’s Geraldine Doogue about the reasons for ever-escalating property prices
Video & Presentation Slides: What is ‘QE’, and how does it work?
Economic Policies, Economics and Economists, QE & MMT, The Global Economy | 29th July 2021In this webinar Saul will explain exactly what ‘QE’ is, how its done, why central banks are doing it, what its intended and unintended effects are, and how long central banks might keep doing it for.
June CPI and the implications of Australia’s vaccination strategy
Economic Policies, News, Publications, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 29th July 2021Saul talks to Alan Kohler about this week’s June quarter CPI result and the implications of Australia’s vaccination strategy for our economic performance.
The CommSec “State of the States” Report – Tasmania
News, Publications, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 29th July 2021Saul discusses the latest CommSec ‘State of the States’ Report with Tasmania Talks’ Mike O’Loughlin on 28th July 2021.
How is the immigration pause affecting Australia’s economy?
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 22nd July 2021Saul Eslake talks to ABC Radio National’s Peter Martin and Gigi Foster on their “The Economists” program 22nd July 2021
Video & Presentation Slides: Australia’s ‘new protectionism’
Australia's New Protectionism, Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, The Australian Economy | 25th June 2021Join Saul Eslake for a discussion about how Australia’s prolonged border closures are indirectly providing a short-term boost to spending, and making it easier to reduce unemployment – although in the long run this form of ‘protectionism’ like all the other forms will make us worse off.
This webinar is being offered free of charge in the interests of prompting wider awareness of some of the implications of the Government’s health and economic strategies.
Video & Presentation Slides: Australia’s ‘new protectionism’ – part 2
Australia's New Protectionism, Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, The Australian Economy | 25th June 2021Australia’s ‘new protectionism’ – part 2
Video & Presentation Slides: Australia’s ‘new protectionism’ – part 3
Australia's New Protectionism, Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, The Australian Economy | 25th June 2021Australia’s ‘new protectionism’ – part 2