US Economy: Part 6 The current account deficit
The Global Economy, US Economy Video, Video | 28th April 2021Presentation slide for US Economy webinar, 28th April 2021. The US now seems at last to be ‘getting on top’ of Covid 19, and its economy is now on the receiving end of a large volume of fiscal and monetary policy stimulus – Saul will look at the impact on US economic growth, inflation, the […]
Conversation with the Archbishop
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Recent Media Interview, Taxation, The Australian Economy, Video | 27th March 2021Saul participated in a ‘Conversation with the Archbishop’, hosted by the Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr Philip Freier, in Melbourne’s Federation Square along with CEO of Anglicare Kasy Chambers, on Tuesday 23rd March 2021, about Australia’s response to Covid-19 and how the ‘new normal’ could be different from the old one.
Video & Presentation Slide: Preview of the US Presidential and Congressional elections
The Global Economy, US Economy Video, Video | 28th October 2020Presentation slide for Preview of the US Presidential and Congressional elections, 28th October 2020.
Video: Impact of Covid-19 to Global & Australian Economies (Sep 2020 – UPDATE) – Part 1
Covid-19 Video, Video | 2nd October 2020The Virus